
In-home pandemic workout ideas

The following are a few in house workout ideas that will help you stay fit and in proper shape. It also includes a few equipment-free workouts that you can perform even if you don’t have any types of equipment. All these workouts will help you to improve mobility, strengthen your muscles, improve your posture and movements. You may take whey protein for better results.

Make sure you are not skipping the warm-up. No matter whether you are working out at home or gym, the warm-up is a must! Without a warm-up, your body is more prone to injuries. Warmup also makes your workouts more effective. Spend at least 10 minutes to warm up your body and then start with the following exercises:

1. Planks

Core stability is very important for your lower back, posture, and overall body stability. Planks are the simplest and the best exercise for your core and overall stability of your body. It is extremely easy to perform plans and it works wonders on your core. Though it looks simple and doesn’t need any equipment, that doesn’t mean it is easy to do.

To perform planks you need to start in a pushup position on your toes and your back and legs in one straight line. While holding this position engages your core and glutes. Stay in the same position for a minimum of 30 seconds. You can keep increasing the time as your core gets stronger each day.

2. Lunges

Another simple home exercise that doesn’t require any special equipment. Just a few square meters of space! You can even do them as you’re going from room to room in your house. To complete a lunge, simply take a step forward and keep bending your front knee until you’ve got your back knee as low as it will go. Try and reach the floor with it if you can. Lunges are a very simple element to add to your home workout.

3. Skipping

Skipping sounds like a toy for the kids, but they are very effective and affordable equipment for home workout. Though it’s difficult to master the technique of skipping, once you get a hang of it then there’s no other exercise that is as effective as skipping.

Skipping is great for improving your balance and coordination. It helps to burn a high amount of calories and fats. Once you start skipping within a few minutes you will feel a bit of burn in your leg muscles. 5 to 10 minutes of skipping is perfect for warming up your body and burning loads of calories.

4. Pushups

Standard pushups are the best exercise to work your chest, shoulder, triceps, and core. It almost works your entire upper front portion of your body.

To perform push-ups you need to start in a plank position with your hands at shoulder width. Keep your back straight and core tight. Hold this position lower your body by bending your elbows until your chest m\almost touches the floor. Then immediately push yourself back to the start position. That’s how you complete one repetition.

Perform 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions and increase the repetition as your strength increases.

For beginners, you can make it easier by resting your knees on the floor instead of your toes.  As and when you advance you can do variations in push-ups like diamond pushups, incline pushups, decline pushups, etc.

5. Sit-ups

Situps are the second-best core workout after planks which will ensure that you have rock hard abs. It is one of the easiest exercises which doesn’t require any equipment and can be performed another and any time. It is the best workout to incorporate into your home workout routine.

To perform this exercise, all you need to do is lie flat on the ground. Bend your knees to the extent that the soles of your feet are flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and bend at your hips to raise your upper body while contracting your core. You can start doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions and keep increasing the reps to as much as you can every day.

6. Resistance bands workout for strengthening

You can perform various strengthening exercises with the help of a resistance band. A resistance band is great to work on your small muscles of your best to strengthen your shoulders. You can perform lat pulldown, mid rows, front and lateral raises, etc with the help of a resistance band. Performing these exercises will help to strengthen your upper body muscles like back, shoulders, and chest.

7. Pull-ups

A pull-up is a great and very effective upper body strength exercise. It works your back muscles and works on the overall strength of your upper body. The only thing that you need is a pull-up bar to perform this exercise.

To perform this exercise you need to hold the bar at shoulder width and suspend your body hanging on the bar. Slowly try to pull yourself up to the extent that your chin touches the bar. As you do this, your elbows will flex bringing your elbows close to your torso. Repeat this as many times as you can. 3 sets of this are enough to work on your entire upper body.

To stay healthy this pandemic, exercise regularly and takes an appropriate multivitamin on a regular basis.


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